Why Should You Get the Pneumonia Vaccine Before Travelling?

pneumococcal vaccine in Sudbury

The pneumococcal vaccine offers protection from serious and perhaps fatal complications. It is also referred to as the pneumonia vaccine. Pneumococcal infections are brought about by a bacterium known as Streptococcus pneumoniae, which can result in pneumonia, blood poisoning (sepsis), and meningitis. At their worst, they have the ability to kill or inflict lifelong brain damage. Keep reading to learn more about the pneumococcal vaccine in Sudbury.

Who should have the pneumococcal vaccine?

Pneumococcal infections can affect anyone. However, some individuals are at a higher risk of developing a serious illness, hence it is advised that they receive pneumococcal immunisation through the NHS.

These include:

– Those who plan to travel outside the country
– Babies
– Adults above the age of 65
– Children as well as adults with specific chronic illnesses, like severe kidney or heart problems

Pneumococcal vaccination is given to babies twice: at twelve weeks and at one year of age. The vaccine is only required once for anyone over the age of 65. Unlike the flu jab, this vaccination is not administered every year.

Depending on your underlying medical condition, you could only require a single, one-time pneumococcal vaccination or one every five years if you have a chronic health condition.

pneumococcal vaccine in Sudbury

How does the pneumococcal vaccine work?

Your body is stimulated to develop antibodies that fight pneumococcal bacteria by both forms of pneumococcal vaccine.

Proteins called antibodies are made by the body to fight off or eliminate pathogens and toxins. In the event that you contract the bacteria, they prevent you from getting sick. The pneumococcal bacterium has been divided into more than 90 distinct strains, although the majority of these strains do not result in life-threatening illnesses.

The vaccine given to children protects against thirteen strains, while the one given to adults protects you from 23 strains.

How effective is the vaccine?

The pneumococcal vaccine has excellent results in children. Pneumococcal illness has significantly decreased as a result of the addition of this vaccine to the NHS paediatric vaccination regimen.

The effectiveness of the pneumococcal vaccine in preventing pneumococcal illness in adults and older children is estimated to be between 50 and 70 percent.

There are no live organisms present in either type of pneumococcal vaccine; they are both “killed” and inactivated vaccines. The illnesses they defend against cannot be caused by them.

pneumococcal vaccine in Sudbury

How do you protect yourself from getting pneumonia?

Accumulation of mucus or fluid can lead to pneumonia. The alveoli, which are air sacs that transport oxygen from the air you inhale into your blood, are less effective as a result of these buildups.

The following are a few ways that can help you avoid contracting pneumonia.

Get a pneumococcal vaccine in Sudbury

The pneumonia vaccine lowers but does not completely eliminate your risk of contracting pneumonia. Pneumonia vaccines come in two varieties:

– Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13 or Prevnar 13)
– Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23 or Pneumovax 23)

Washing your hands

Though pneumonia is not contagious, it can be brought on by a number of infectious agents, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The easiest approach to prevent introducing these pathogens into your respiratory system is by regularly washing your hands.

Avoid being around ill people where possible

The majority of respiratory illnesses are transferred by tiny airborne or surface-contact particles. Avoiding contact with sick persons is a crucial step in avoiding pneumonia and other respiratory infections.

Make healthy choices

Your body’s capacity to fend off infections that can result in pneumonia is strongly influenced by how you take care of your body and the world around you.

Prevent a cold from becoming pneumonia

Ask your pharmacist or doctor what preventative measures you may take if you have a cold to keep it from developing into pneumonia.

How often is the pneumococcal vaccine needed?

A single dose of the pneumococcal vaccine should provide lifetime protection for the majority of adults. In other words, you won’t often require a second dose.

Some patients will require booster doses of the pneumococcal vaccine. This is especially for people who are at an increased risk for pneumonia and other related illnesses due to underlying medical conditions. Your doctor or pharmacist will let you know if you should get another vaccination.


When should you go for the pneumonia vaccine?

It is not necessary to administer the pneumonia vaccination at a specific time of year, like the flu vaccine. Instead, it can be provided whenever it’s necessary for you to have it. You should consider getting it if you plan to travel outside the country. Preferably a few days prior to your departure.

To ensure your protection, you should obtain the vaccine the soonest time possible if you belong to a high-risk category for pneumonia.

Visit G.M. Graham Pharmacies today to get your pneumococcal vaccine in Sudbury.

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This post was written on behalf of G.M. Graham Pharmacies by Pharmacy Mentor.