Where Can You Get Emergency Contraception?
Using emergency contraception may prevent you from becoming pregnant if you engaged in unprotected sex. The morning after pill and the IUD are the two main methods of emergency contraception. The morning after pill basically prevents or delays the egg from being released. In the UK, there are 2 types of the morning after pill: Levonelle and ellaOne. Where can I get emergency contraception near me in Clacton On Sea? Keep reading to find out.
Who should use emergency contraception near me?
To prevent an unintended pregnancy, any girl or woman of reproductive age may sometimes need emergency contraception.
It’s not advisable to take the emergency contraceptive pill if you have severe asthma, are allergic to any of its ingredients, or are taking any medications that might interfere with it, such as:
– The herbal medication St John’s Wort
– Some drugs used to treat HIV, tuberculosis, or epilepsy
– Medicines that reduce stomach acidity, such as omeprazole
– Some antibiotics like rifampicin and rifabutin
If you are already on one of these medications, you should not take ellaOne since it might not work. Levonelle may still be taken, however, a higher dose could be necessary.
If you let your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist know what medications you’re taking, they can advise if taking the emergency contraception pill with them is safe.
For further details, see the information leaflet that is included with your medication.
How well does the emergency contraception near me work?
For people of average weight who take it within 4 days of unprotected sex, the success rate is 98%.
If you weigh more than 70 kg, the emergency contraceptive pill is less effective, and a copper IUD is advised in this case. If you opt to use the pill, ask your pharmacist for advice.
Any other medications you are taking should be disclosed to the medical professional you visit, since you could require additional pills or a copper IUD. You’ll need to take another one if you vomit within 3 hours of taking the tablet.
The Copper IUD is an alternative option for emergency contraception. It can be inserted for up to 5 days after the egg has been released, and it works almost 100% of the time.
The copper IUD has the benefit of long-term contraception, which you can use for as long as you want.
Does the emergency contraception near me in Clacton On Sea have any disadvantages?
While emergency contraception is a viable choice for avoiding pregnancy during unprotected sex, it is not recommended for normal usage because it is not as effective as other forms of contraception. The morning after pill also has a risk of failure even with proper use, and it provides no protection against STDs.
There are some concerns that the morning after pill won’t work as well to prevent pregnancy in obese or overweight people as it does for women who’re not obese.
Additionally, before using ulipristal, make sure you are not pregnant. Ulipristal’s effects on a developing infant are still unknown. Ulipristal is also not recommended if you are breastfeeding.
Can I get emergency contraception near me over the counter?
Most pharmacies provide levonorgestrel morning after pills overt-the-counter without a prescription.
Is the emergency contraception near me in Clacton On Sea free from pharmacies?
You will need to pay for the morning after pill whether you opt to get it from a pharmacy, online, or on the high street.
When is the best time to use emergency contraception?
You should get emergency contraception as soon as you can after unprotected sexual intercourse for it to be as effective as possible.
Levonorgestrel, is effective for up to 72 hours (three days) after sex and is sold under the brand name Levonelle. The non-hormonal tablet ellaOne can be effective for up to five days after taking it. To receive the best treatment, it is essential that you are clear about when you had sex.
The emergency contraceptive IUD can be implanted up to 120 hours (5 days) following sex, or up to 5 days after the earliest possible moment you may have ovulated.
Where is emergency contraception near me in Clacton On Sea available?
You can get emergency contraception from the following places:
– Contraception clinics
– Most GP surgeries
– Some pharmacies
– Most sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics
– Most walk-in centres as well as minor injuries units
– Brook sexual health clinics
– Some hospital accident and emergency (A&E) departments
Visit G.M. Graham Pharmacies today to get your emergency contraception near you in Clacton On Sea.
This post was written on behalf of G.M. Graham Pharmacies by Pharmacy Mentor